Andrew created this detailed 3D model of the truck in Sketchup so we could play with the interior design before dipping our brushes in real paint. Have any suggestions for a colour combo? Let us know!
Google sketchup of the truck
Posted in Happenings
Good work.
How long did it take?
Im asking cause i wonna get ito 3D modeling. But Descet Maya is HELL complex and i just want to make some trucks with build on items…
So how long dous a truck like that take u to do?
Andrew says it took him a couple hours to build the sketchup model of the truck interior (we had previously measured everything). I’ve heard from him that sketchup is quick to get up and running with, as well. So based on that I would say sketchup is the way to go if you want to get into 3D modeling quickly, and without spending anything!