I made a usable version of my homebrew fisheye lens at 2am on Sunday morning, so I was able to take it with me for the second day of Maker Faire. The hardware consists of a large bi-concave lens salvaged from an old rear projection TV, mounted in a whisky bottle tube with a hole at the other end to allow a compact camera to be held in position there.
- MakerMobile’s table with our kit line-up on display.
- Our friend Tina supplied much-needed help on the creative side. Dude!
- Our pop-up Raspberry Pi store was quite a success.
- Soldering makes you happy. Do it.
- Are you lost, little boy?
- VHS booth. I only normally see this many totes if I’m having a post-apocalyptic nightmare.
- Look at those quads. Would you mess with this guy ? 😉
- The MakerMobile has landed!
- Tina gets ready to make a bacon sandwich.
- The eye of the storm
- Tom isn’t normally this photogenic
- Cybernetic veterinarian performs emergency surgery
- Yes, it’s a funny-looking lens
- Adam and Josh
- Blake and Ian. Blake was a bit miffed that my lens was bigger than his 😉
- Ian
- Having a good time? Yeah, thought so!
- Russell’s DJ-bike. Simply amazeballs.
- One of my RPi course students came to say hi!
- MakerMobile interior
- What planet is this?
- Leanne trys to beam herself down with our linear pots. Sorry - they just control the RGB lighting!
- Andrew and Alethea taking customer service to the next level!
- Science World crew!
- Brenda and Paul chillax at the VHS crib
- Russell’s other exhibit, a very peculiar organic-looking outgrowth of LED goodness
- SymmetryGroup’s amazing igloo of light
- Soldering a TV-b-Gone is serious business … apparently